Irresistible Sweet Pain
50" x 90"
Graphite on paper
Degree of Separation
私はいつも _____ な自分でありたい。I Will Always Want To Be Someone Who Is _____.
13 ¼”, x 9 ¾”
Graphite on Paper, Glass mirror
もし明日死ぬならば、今日私は ___ たい。If I Am Going To Die Tomorrow, Today I Want To _____.
21” x 10 ¼”
Graphite on Paper, Glass mirror
私は_____ を愛している。I Love _____.
14 ¼” x 10 ½”
Graphite on paper, Glass mirror
_____ がなければ私は生きていけない。I Cannot Live Without _____.
21 ¼” x 9 ¼”
Graphite on Paper, Glass mirror
もしも結果が_____ に なろうがそれとも___私に後悔はない。Even If The Result Would Be _____ or _____, I Will Not Have Any Regrets.
21 ¼” x 23"
Graphite on Paper, Glass mirrors
私は死ぬまでに______を成し遂げたい。 I Want To Accomplish _____ before I Die.
20” x 21”
Graphite on Paper, Glass mirror
____歳まで生きる。 I Will Live Till ______ Years Old.
20 ¾” 8 ½"
Graphite on Paper, Glass mirror
I want _____ so badly, I would not mind losing _____ for it.
21” x 28 ¼”
Graphite on Paper, Glass mirrors
There Are Those Who Read Books, And Others Who Write Them. I Am Of Those Who ___.
20" x 10"
Graphite on Paper, Glass mirror
Reflection of Self in You
Hooks-Epstein Galleries in Houston, June 2- July 7, 2012.
Artist Statement:
In the group of works with glass mirror(s), I ask each viewer a question. The answer is to be filled in by the viewer- therefore part of the sentence is left blank. As the viewer gazes into their own eyes, they are required to answer the question. The answer may not come easily, or you may refuse to admit to it.
These questions are meant to evoke our hidden feelings, beliefs, dreams, and fears. Each of us will have different answers, and may feel that these emotions are unique. However, there are no new emotions or anything unique about how we feel. These problems existed long before our physical bodies existed here and now, and these will be here long after our bodies perish.
As we share these similar emotions; desires, fears, and hopes, it becomes apparent that we are very similar as human beings. Each of us possesses a physical body giving us the sense of unique individuality, but all of our bodies will perish someday and then where do our feelings go?
We are from the nothingness and we go back to the nothingness.
I see the “Reflection of Self in You” when I look into the mirror, because I am a part of you in intangible form, and you are also a part of me.